Well, we spent most of the winter months paying off debt and saving some money. Around the first of April, I started getting all the paperwork ready to get to the 4 banks I had in mind for the RV loan, when it happened.


More of a voice firm and clear. It said,

“I would like you to hold off on your Rving dream right now, it will come to pass. Right now I want you to be there for your little man’s last part of his life’s journey. He can then join me in eternal peace.”

I remember it so vividly still. I woke up and thought Melissa was talking to me, but she was sound asleep. When we had breakfast I told her about it, and I could not get over it. Needless to say we put things on the back burner about the Rv. At this time Lee was doing very well from his leg amputation and all, and we were coming up on 8 months being a tripod. The 10th of April he had been to the vet, had bloodwork and all seemed well? Unfortunately that was not the case and on May 4th 2015, our Mr. Lee was laid to rest. It has been a terrible blow and immense loss to the both of us. I have put a lot more of the story up on the ABOUT US page. For now we are in limbo, but feel confident we will be able to pursue the RV dream toward the end of the year. For now that’s all