We have less than a week to go before we leave here for Florida. Time has just flown by. It was a good summer here, somewhat hot, not a lot of rain, but time to go. Melissa is going to make a post about our summer here hopefully in the next week.

We leave here this Saturday and it will take us about 10 days to get to Key Largo. There we will be work camping at John Pennakamp state park, until January 1st 2021. Then we will head to Key Biscayne near Miami to work camp at Billy Baggs state park. We will be there until March 31st. Then we head west and arrive in Arizona sometime in early May.

Thats about it for now, will most likely make posts about our stops dopwn to Florida, but most will be one night stays.


Had some problems with the blog lately. Apparently it is not free anymore, and they added a few features that would not let us post. In upgrading we are now a .com site and followers may have to resave our site. Pain in my butt but hopefully all is back to normal, if not we start over again.